2017 Call for Candidates

2017 MSTCVS Board of Directors

Election Results

President-Elect – Reza Dabir, MD
At-Large Director – three-year term – Charles Schwartz, MD
At-Large Director – three-year term – Andrew Chang, MD
At-Large Director – three-year term – Jamie Martin, MD
At-Large Director – three-year term – Eric Hanson, MD

Each at-large Director shall serve for a minimum of three (3) years, and no more than a maximum of six (6) years or until that person dies, resigns, is disqualified or removed from office, whichever occurs first. The President-Elect shall be elected every two (2) years.

Elections provide members with a brilliant opportunity to become actively involved; WHETHER AS A CANDIDATE FOR A POSITION AS A DIRECTOR OR TO VOTE FOR THOSE CANDIDATES who will represent your interests over the coming years.

Click here to download the board candidate form if you are interested in running in 2018.

NOTE: If you want to STAND AS A CANDIDATE and/or VOTE, please ensure you have PAID YOUR current year MEMBERSHIP DUES