The MSTCVS site is undergoing some updates.  

The Michigan Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons and MSTCVS Quality Collaborative Welcomes You!

From its inception in 1965, The Michigan Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons has devoted itself to the goal of maintaining the highest standards of quality in our profession and specialty. Our annual summer meeting is held each year in August, and advances this goal through education and discussion of important issues in our field. It also encourages camaraderie, and engenders collaboration and cooperation among its members. In addition, the annual meeting attracts national and international leaders not only in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery but in other disciplines to present their topics of interest in some of the most beautiful sites northern Michigan has to offer. Anyone involved in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery is welcome.

Recognizing the importance of quality improvement, the MSTCVS Quality Collaborative began in 2001 with a volunteer effort focused on encouraging and energizing Michigan cardiothoracic surgeons and their teams to examine their surgical data and participate in quality improvement, creating a large-scale statewide learning process. The Quality Collaborative initially focused on adult cardiac surgery and now also examines general thoracic surgical procedures, transcatheter valve replacements, and perfusion practices. In 2006, the MSTCVS Quality Collaborative became Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan third supported group for quality improvement. Using audited clinical data at quarterly meetings, all 33 programs in Michigan actively participate in the Collaborative’s Quality initiatives.

MSTCVS surgeons work closely with their perfusionists on a day-by-day basis and through collaboration with the Michigan Perfusion Society (MPS), whose mission statement appears on its website. Our annual meeting coincides with the MPS meeting in the same location, and we often share joint lectures and discussions.

In an effort to improve the quality and safety of cardiac surgical care, the MSTCVS Quality Collaborative has developed the Perfusion Measures and Outcomes (PERForm) Registry. PERForm is a multi-institutional cardiovascular perfusion database focusing on the practice and outcomes of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Participating centers receive quarterly benchmarking reports, which serve as the foundation for multi-institutional quality improvement initiatives.

Value Partnerships

BCBSMSupport for the MSTCVS Quality Collaborative is provided by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network as part of the BCBSM Value Partnerships program.

Although Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and the MSTCVS Quality Collaborative work collaboratively, the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of BCBSM or any of its employees.