Perfusion Publications

Perfusion / MSTCVS-QC Publications

February 2024
Advancing cardiotomy suction practices for coronary surgery via multidisciplinary collaborative learning
James W. Stewart II MD, MSc, Donald Nieter MHSA, DVM, CCP-Emeritus, Xiaoting Wu PhD, Alphonse DeLucia III MD, Brittney N. Graebner CCP, Gaetano Paone MD, MHSA, David C. Fitzgerald DHA, MPH, CCP, Timothy A. Dickinson MS, CCP, Min Zhang PhD, Francis D. Pagani MD, PhD, Donald S. Likosky PhD

December 2022
The Role of Race on Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery
Michael Heung, MD; Timothy Dickinson, MS, CCP; Xiaoting Wu, PhD; David C. Fitzgerald, DHA, CCP; Alphonse DeLucia III, MD; Gaetano Paone, MD, MHSA; Jeffrey Chores, MS, CCP; Donald Nieter, MHSA, CCP-Emeritus; David Grix, CCP-Emeritus; Patricia Theurer, MSN; Min Zhang, PhD; Donald S. Likosky, PhD

March 2022
Determinants of hospital variability in perioperative red blood cell transfusions during coronary artery bypass graft surgery
David C. Fitzgerald DHA, MPH, CCP, Annie N. Simpson PhD, Robert A. Baker PhD, CCP, Xiaoting Wu PhD, Min Zhang PhD, Michael P. Thompson PhD, Gaetano Paone MD, MHS, Alphonse Delucia III MD, Donald S. Likosky PhD

September 2020
Evaluating Changes in del Nido Cardioplegia Practices in Adult Cardiac Surgery
Donald S. Likosky, PhD, Xiaoting Wu, PhD, David C. Fitzgerald, DHA, MPH, CCP, Jonathan W. Haft, MD, Gaetano Paone, MD, MHSA, Matthew A. Romano, MD, Joshua B. Goldberg, MD, Alphonse DeLucia, III, MD, David L. Sturmer, CCP, David M. Grix, CCP-Emeritus, Donald H. Nieter, CCP-Emeritus, Brittney N. Graebner, BSN, CCP, Timothy A. Dickinson, MS, CCP

March 2017
Prediction of Transfusions After Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgical Procedures
Donald S. Likosky, PhD, Theron A. Paugh, CCP, Steven D. Harrington, MD, MBA, Min Zhang, PhD, Gaetano Paone, MD, MHSA

December 2016
The Relationship between Intra-Operative Transfusions and Nadir Hematocrit on Post-Operative Outcomes after Cardiac Surgery
Joshua B. Goldberg, MD, Kenneth G. Shann, CCP, David Fitzgerald, CCP, John Fuller, CCP, Theron A. Paugh, CCP, Timothy A. Dickinson, MS, CCP, Gaetano Paone, MD, MHSA, Richard L. Prager, MD, and Donald S. Likosky, PhD

November 2015
Greater Volume of Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution May Aid in Reducing Blood Transfusions After Cardiac Surgery
Joshua Goldberg, MD, Theron A. Paugh, CCP, Timothy A. Dickinson, MS, Richard L. Prager, MD, Donald S. Likosky, PhD

November 2015
Nadir Hematocrit on Bypass and Rates of Acute Kidney Injury: Does Sex Matter?
Michelle C. Ellis, MD, Theron A. Paugh, CCP, Timothy A. Dickinson, MS, Richard L. Prager, MD, Donald S. Likosky, PhD

November 2015
Impact of Ultrafiltration on Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery: The Michigan Experience
Theron A. Paugh, CCP, Timothy A. Dickinson, MS, James R. Martin, MD, Richard L. Prager, MD, Donald S. Likosky, PhD

September 2012
Validation of a Perfusion Registry: Methodological Approach and Initial Findings
Theron A. Paugh, CCP, Timothy A. Dickinson, MS, Patricia F. Theurer, BSN, Gail F. Bell, MSN, Kenneth G. Shann, CCP, Robert A. Baker, PhD, DipPerf, CCP(Aus), Nicholas B. Mellas, CCP, Richard L. Prager, MD, Donald S. Likosky, PhD,

March 2009
Cardiac Surgeons and the Quality Movement: the Michigan Experience
Richard L Prager, Frederick R Armenti, Joseph S Bassett, Gail F Bell, Daniel Drake, Eric C Hanson, John C Heiser, Scott H Johnson, F B Plasman, Francis L Shannon, David Share, Patty Theurer, Jaelene Williams