Quality Ratings

Quality Ratings

The Michigan Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons Quality Collaborative (MSTCVS-QC) represents Cardiothoracic surgeons at all hospitals performing adult cardiac surgery in Michigan. Our mission is to promote and share optimal processes of care and cardiac surgery outcomes and implement quality improvement initiatives based on regional and national data as well as clinical research and evidence based cardiac surgery practice and guidelines.

As a part of this mission, we are active participants in the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) Adult Cardiac Surgery Database and support their efforts regarding transparency. With that background, we are providing these Composite Metric data to you.

To learn more about composite metrics and the role of public reporting of cardiac surgery outcomes please go to http://www.sts.org/quality-research-patient-safety/sts-public-reporting-online

CABG Overall Composite Score is calculated using a combination of 11 quality measures divided into four categories or domains.  The Overall Composite Score represents the four domain scores in a single number.

  1. Absence of Operative Mortality (the percentage of patients [risk-adjusted] who did not experience operative mortality).
  2. Absence of Major Morbidity (the percentage of patients [risk-adjusted] who did not experience any major morbidity).
  3. Use of Internal Mammary Artery (the percentage of first-time CABG patients who received at least one IMA graft).
  4. Receipt of Required Perioperative Medications (the percentage of patients who were prescribed all four medications believed to improve a patient’s immediate and long-term outcomes).

AVR Overall Composite Score represents two domain scores in a single number:

  1. Absence of Operative Mortality (the percentage of patients [risk-adjusted] who did not experience operative mortality).
  2. Absence of Major Morbidity (the percentage of patients [risk-adjusted] who did not experience any major morbidity).

AVR+CABG Overall Composite Score represents two domain scores in a single number:

  1. Absence of Operative Mortality (the percentage of patients [risk-adjusted] who did not experience operative mortality).
  2. Absence of Major Morbidity (the percentage of patients [risk-adjusted] who did not experience any major morbidity).

Hospital Reported STS Composite Star Ratings

Data Not Reported to Quality Collaborative: The MSTCVS- QC Coordinating Center has not received the latest composite ratings from site.

Not Rated: Site not rated due to volume criteria or data completeness not met.