Francis Fontan Fund: MSTCVS-QC Quality and Outcomes Fellowship 2023

The MSTCVS Quality Collaborative is honored to have Fontan Fellows working with us and look forward to our continued collaboration.

Ronald Estrada, MD, from Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires has been awarded the Francis Fontan Fund MSTCVS-QC Quality and Outcomes 2023 Fellowship. He will be arriving in July.

This unique collaboration with The Michigan Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons Quality Collaborative (MSTCVS-QC) will allow Dr. Estrada to work alongside a multidisciplinary team focused on quality improvement for adult cardiac and general thoracic surgery patients in Michigan.

Past Fellowship Recipients

Dr.  Dimitrios Magoulitois, MD joined the MSTCVS Quality Collaborative Coordinating Center in May 2022, from the University Hospital of Larissa, Greece.   His interests are in quality and outcomes, Statistical dexterity, and is working on his second master’s in molecular medicine.

Ahmet Can Topcu, MD spent six months at the MSTCVS Quality Collaborative Coordinating Center. He hopes to help establish an Adult Cardiac Surgery Database at his institution in Istanbul, Turkey.

Chris Bond, Mb ChB joined the MSTCVS Coordinating Center in late April 2019 and stayed though the end of August 2019. He is completing his Senior registrar year in Birmingham, England.

Milan Milojevic, MD, PhD, MSc spent four months at the MSTCVS Quality Collaborative Coordinating Center. He returned to the Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam (Netherlands) where he completed his PhD and is practicing as an Intensivist in Serbia and is leading Clinical Practice Guidelines for EACTS.


“The way outcome reporting maintains and improves standards in the care of cardiac surgical patients has always fascinated me. Professor Richard Prager and his team at the MSTCVS Quality Collaborative are among the leaders in this field. With the insight and experience I hope to obtain from this fellowship, I wish to help establish an Adult Cardiac Surgery Database in my institution, and hopefully in the future, in my home country.”

“This was by far the most useful and enjoyable professional and personal development experience of my career. I gained a comprehensive understanding of how to systematically gather data regarding Cardiac Surgical procedures from a geographical area, analyze it and most importantly transform it into actionable information that can be used to improve the care of patients.

“My presentation skills were greatly enhanced, I improved my ability to analyze data and understanding of statistical methodology and my communication skills were markedly improved. Discussing suboptimal performance is a sensitive issue and Dr. Prager does it with immense charm whilst not failing to get the point across and develop an actionable plan for improvement. Both Dr. Prager and Patty’s leadership skills were excellent and observing these invaluable. Both are superb role models and I now often reflect on their approaches to problems, interactions and delivering objectives when trying to do the same.”